Under the proposal to reduce eligibility for bus service, 48,000 of the 153,000 students now riding yellow buses would have been eliminated from the program.
States cannot reduce eligibility for Medicaid until 2014 for adults and 2019 for children.
The awards then began to be limited to only those writers who would make the trip to the banquet, sharply reducing eligibility for the awards.
The House measure would count such income, and thus reduce eligibility for the credit.
To the Editor: President Bush's proposal to reduce eligibility for Federal college financial aid to the very poorest is bad enough.
But it might not be enough either to offer to reduce eligibility for free agency to three years.
The Lord Chancellor has proposed controversial legal aid reforms, reducing eligibility in view of booming costs: £1.1 billion in 1992-93 and set to rise.
That was a reference to Republican plans to reduce eligibility for the earned-income tax credit, which provides money to the working poor.
"People hardly ever reduce eligibility for pregnant women because they want to encourage prenatal care," he said.
For a family of three, Wisconsin reduced eligibility this year to a maximum of $21,420 a year, from $27,996.