In recent years, the city has made a big effort to reduce road-related fatalities, and it has worked.
You also claim that London has reduced pedestrian fatalities by using "engineering and education in a sustained program."
"Properly installed restraint systems should reduce fatalities and injuries by 80 percent," she told a group of new parents at a session last month.
Over all, the company predicts the changes could reduce pedestrian fatalities from Honda accidents each year by at least 5 percent.
The study found that for all drivers wearing belts, air bags reduced fatalities by about 19 percent.
This would reduce fatalities in the event of collisions.
Raising the drinking age to 21 may, then, reduce fatalities among those 18 to 20 years old.
"To reduce fatalities and injuries is at the top of our list."
The figure is consistent with declines since 1982, when the city began several programs aimed at reducing pedestrian fatalities, officials said.
Reducing fatalities and deaths on our roads must remain as the central political goal.