To reduce heartburn during pregnancy without hurting your baby, you should try the following:
But what if the claim that simply limiting such foods can reduce heartburn - a claim quoted by doctors everywhere - is wrong?
In the study published in May, only two changes in behavior appeared to reduce heartburn.
Take a nonprescription antacid or acid reducer, such as Pepcid or Zantac, when needed, to reduce heartburn.
Changing your diet, losing weight, and making other lifestyle changes can also help reduce heartburn.
Many people, for example, assume that since highly effective medications are now available, there is no need to follow the practical nondrug methods for reducing heartburn.
To reduce heartburn during pregnancy without medications, you should try the following:
Avoiding these foods can help reduce heartburn.
Lifestyle changes such as stress reduction programs, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol, and diet changes (e.g., avoiding caffeine/certain spices) may help to reduce heartburn and other stomach acid problems.
Though they will not cause GERD, eating these foods can make the symptoms worse, and avoiding them can help reduce heartburn.