Minimizing the flare-ups can reduce hospitalizations and improve quality of life, he says.
With capitation, doctors earn more as they reduce hospitalizations and referrals.
The number of people who could be helped is not large: the new standard would reduce hospitalizations for asthma by just 1 or 2 percent.
Chiropractic care reduced hospitalizations among back pain patients by 41%.
The hospitals will still see payback within 26 months through reducing hospitalizations generated by error.
But the vaccine is effective in reducing influenza-related hospitalizations and deaths among older adults.
Improving their care has created striking local successes: improved health, reduced hospitalizations, and lowered costs.
Care Level says that its house calls save insurers money by drastically reducing emergency room visits and hospitalizations.
Monitoring your fluid intake can reduce complications and hospitalizations.
Experts say the medicines can reduce emergency room visits, hospitalizations and deaths.