Khrushchev had created the theory of peaceful existence in an attempt to reduce hostility between the two superpowers.
Still, in the long term, knowing the closer relationship would reduce hostility.
One way to reduce hostility . . . would be to concentrate on other important issues where cooperation was possible.
According to both the media and the local police the forum has had considerable success in reducing xenophobic hostility.
Dr. Williams focuses on reducing hostility but also talks about the importance of social supports.
It reduced hostility in the vast majority of the patients she'd dealt with in her father's private asylum.
Similarly, traffic authorities have begun discussions with community boards to hear their enforcement priorities, partly in the hope of reducing hostility to agents.
The policy arose as a temptation to reduce hostility between the two superpowers, particularly in light of the possibility of nuclear war.
The extension of the radical land reform and the relative freedom granted peasants reduced hostility to the new regime.
Q. What are some ways to reduce this anger and hostility?