But all three have reduced their purchases in the secondary market.
The sale will reduce Seagram's presence in the market in the United States, where drinking is declining because of health and social factors.
Japanese officials said they had basically reached a tentative accord that would greatly reduce government involvement in the politically sensitive market for computer chips.
And though the deal has been criticized for reducing competition in the domestic market, most analysts consider it a step forward in Russia's start-and-stop economic development.
Thus they can serve to reduce inefficiencies in the market.
Each party then has to hold additional funds to protect itself against the risks that are not netted out, reducing liquidity in the market.
What do we have to do if we want to reduce oligopolistic tendencies in the European market?
The proposal to install speed limiters in cars would have a negative impact on businesses and would reduce their competitiveness in the international market.
Well, openness leads to clarity, which reduces uneasiness in the market and makes for stability.
Virgin also had to drastically reduce their presence in the American market.