The move also reduced the political patronage jobs controlled by the county Democratic organizations.
The Continental statement means that all six of the industry's traditional airlines have announced plans this year to reduce pay, jobs and costs.
The union said the move would reduce jobs in the United States.
The ban has also been strongly opposed by some powerful Western lawmakers who say it would reduce logging jobs.
Conventional economic theory argues that any artificial increase in wages will tend to reduce jobs.
She has condemned proposals to raise the federal minimum wage, saying such a step would reduce jobs and force many companies out of business.
The securities industry seems to be near the tail end of a large-scale restructuring, during which it has reduced jobs and overhead back.
Mobil plans to reduce jobs in its chemical operations by a fifth.
But fallow fields reduce jobs and income in the poverty-stricken valley.
All the promises of "supply side" policy - increased saving and investment, reduced debts, new jobs - sound empty.