Bottle bills are still surprisingly good at inspiring recycling and reducing litter.
The law's purpose was to reduce litter, and it accomplished that.
Recycling aluminium cans not only reduces litter, but saves energy as well.
The bill would expand the kinds of bottles that could be redeemed and would thus further reduce litter.
They've reduced litter on Texas highways by 54 percent.
By the end of the campaign locals had succeeded to reduce litter by 88%.
"These reduce litter, and they're a great way to communicate environmental and safety messages."
The campaign is credited with reducing litter on Texas highways roughly 72% between 1986 and 1990.
Hopes that California would show the nation how to reduce litter without imposing a deposit on beverage containers have turned into disappointment.
Experts believe the major value of photodegradables is in reducing litter.