Critics say that developing technology will make it feasible to reduce mercury by 90 percent on a faster timeline.
The administration and industry groups have pushed for a market-based approach to reducing mercury because they say it would be more flexible and cost effective.
Instead of having to apply cutting-edge technology to reduce mercury, power plants will be given the option of using a system called cap and trade.
Reducing mercury in products may be the most effective means to control mercury in waste.
You can also add information about a program that your organization has created to reduce mercury.
EPA is taking action to reduce mercury, acid gas, and other life-threatening air emissions from power plants.
The administration says this would be a more efficient and faster way to reduce mercury in the environment.
"Mercury is valuable, but we're taking it out; we've already reduced mercury by 87 percent in the last four or five years."
The Obama Administration is fully committed to reducing mercury, dioxin and other harmful pollutants from boilers in our communities.
Disposal methods that keep discarded batteries and paint from incinerators help reduce mercury in the atmosphere.
Critics say that developing technology will make it feasible to reduce mercury by 90 percent on a faster timeline.
The administration and industry groups have pushed for a market-based approach to reducing mercury because they say it would be more flexible and cost effective.
Instead of having to apply cutting-edge technology to reduce mercury, power plants will be given the option of using a system called cap and trade.
Reducing mercury in products may be the most effective means to control mercury in waste.
You can also add information about a program that your organization has created to reduce mercury.
EPA is taking action to reduce mercury, acid gas, and other life-threatening air emissions from power plants.
The administration says this would be a more efficient and faster way to reduce mercury in the environment.
"Mercury is valuable, but we're taking it out; we've already reduced mercury by 87 percent in the last four or five years."
The Obama Administration is fully committed to reducing mercury, dioxin and other harmful pollutants from boilers in our communities.
Disposal methods that keep discarded batteries and paint from incinerators help reduce mercury in the atmosphere.