Red mangroves are the most common choice for cultivation, used particularly in marine aquariums in a sump to reduce nitrates and other nutrients in the water.
A cursory glance of the table indicates that, in the majority of foods, processing reduces nutrients by a minimal amount.
In agriculture, treatment ponds may reduce nutrients released downstream from the pond.
In 2007, the Member States accepted the Baltic Sea Action Plan to reduce nutrients.
These headwater states now work with the Chesapeake Bay Program to reduce nutrients and sediment flowing into rivers from their jurisdictions.
It can smother aquatic life by deoxygenating the water, and it reduces nutrients for young fish in sheltered bays.
For example, the restoration of a fishery may require reducing temperatures, nutrients, sediments, and improving habitat.
"So there has been little incentive in the past to do anything about reducing agricultural nutrients," he said.
This alone is sufficient cause for a natural recycling effort because it will cut down on the need for fertilizer and reduce unabsorbed nutrients (run-off) from going into the water system.
It identifies management and conservation actions necessary to meet clearly defined nutrient management goals aimed at reducing excess nutrients in soil and water.