The Dutch Government has reduced speed limits on certain roads near cities in an effort to reduce air pollution.
This is more sustainable as it reduces the amount of traffic on local roads.
Same method to reduce congestion on roads applies to internet.
"The town likes the idea of reducing traffic on roads," said Mayor Randee Davidson.
Yet there are few such precautions taken to reduce injury and death on American roads.
Speed must be reduced significantly to suit the conditions, especially on unfamiliar roads.
It is also planning an $11 million project to widen and improve Linden Place to reduce traffic congestion on other roads.
"This would have the substantial side effect of reducing our air pollution and traffic on local roads," Mr. Janiszewski said.
Some passenger and freight transport should be transferred from road to rail or ship in order to reduce the excessive traffic burden on existing roads.
The effect of lane width is reduced on urban and suburban roads and low volume roads.