On August 31, 2012 as the Vikings reduced their roster down to league maximum of 53 players, he was released.
When injuries reduced his roster to fewer than 13 players, Place was forced by rule to drop another coach.
Their departure reduced the Giants' roster to 56 healthy and injured-reserve players.
Adweek reported the company was considering reducing its roster to three agencies from six.
Kentucky, the defending champion, has staggered through despite injuries that have reduced its roster to eight players.
This had the effect of reducing each team's total roster from 28 to 24 players.
Parcells will reduce his 69-player roster to 60 on Monday.
As the final cuts were made to reduce the Saints' roster to 53 players, Tolliver was among those cut.
In all, the Giants waived 11 players to reduce their roster to 63.
On August 31, 2012 he was released by the Titans as the team reduced their roster to 53 players.