After 100 days the payment is reduced by 20 percent.
The matter was settled out of court in 2002, reducing the city's payments to $145.7 million over 30 years.
These payments were based on my 1990 earnings and reduced by the amount I was making part time.
Because of the lower interest rate, the monthly payment is reduced from $2,398 to $2,147.
This money was extracted from the system by reducing payments to everyone involved in the medical industry.
But Congress might still close down the project or string out construction to reduce annual payments.
At the same time, payments have successfully been reduced to an historic low.
This would reduce debt-service payments by $1 billion a year.
But the payments would be sharply reduced from the levels permitted by current law.
The program can be used, though, only to reduce monthly payments, not to obtain cash.