The capsule may also interfere with filter feeding, thus reducing predation.
Their large size also helps reduce predation - although it makes them large enough to be harvested for human consumption.
Although not every llama is suited to the job, most are a viable, nonlethal alternative for reducing predation, requiring no training and little care.
It pupates in a cocoon attached to the leg of the living ladybird, whose brightly colored body and occasional twitching reduce predation.
This is because even a small degree of protection reduces predation and increases the chance that an individual mimic will survive and reproduce.
For example, to reduce avian predation, the band of hoppers picks up stragglers on route, enlarging to a size that is increasingly intimidating to predatory birds.
The nocturnal habit may help reduce predation.
It will also go into a "move- freeze" mode which may reduce predation at night.
In other cichlids it has been suggested this behavior may reduce predation on the fry belonging to the adoptive parents, through a dilution effect.
Flocking may be an adaptive strategy to increase search efficiency and reduce predation.