The waste was disposed of under contract as hazardous waste, treated to reduce its hazardous and toxic properties, and incinerated at high temperatures.
This compound exhibits strongly reducing properties, and slowly yields hydrogen gas when dissolved in water.
Uranium(IV) compounds exhibit reducing properties, e.g., they are easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.
Processing cocoa powder (Dutch process chocolate) with alkali may reduce antioxidant properties compared to raw cocoa powder.
Crucibles used to contain plutonium need to be able to withstand its strongly reducing properties.
Rasagiline, an important monotherapy drug in Parkinson's disease, has melanin binding properties, and melanoma tumor reducing properties.
Arc welding reduces mechanical properties to no worse than -O hardening condition.
A meta-analysis of clinical trials has confirmed its pain relief, fatigue reducing properties as well as its effectiveness in improving physical and mental performance.
This contributes to their non-stick and friction reducing properties.
Protective atmosphere with chemically reducing properties can be beneficial in some cases.