But city housing officials say Congress needs to further reduce current quotas for housing the very poor so that more units will be available to working families.
In the early 1980s peasants were given drastically reduced quotas.
While his remarks amounted to an order to reduce whale-catch quotas, obtaining that result may not be quite so straightforward.
The chief American negotiator has warned that without a new agreement Washington could unilaterally and substantially reduce quotas for Chinese textiles.
His government reduced quotas and restrictions on agriculture and industrial activities.
Apparently, biologists are now advising the Commission to ban cod fishing and to reduce other quotas.
I am thus talking about opening our markets to each other, reducing quotas, lowering customs duties, which will lead to a win-win situation on both sides.
The services this year reduced recruiting quotas by 60,000, or 23 percent, and are projecting at least the same proportional reductions for next year.
The corporate shoppers may also help draft international trade agreements to reduce quotas and tariffs, or even lobby a government directly to loosen regulations.
China's trade ministry attacked a United States decision to reduce quotas for imports of its textiles and threatened retaliation.