Interferons reduce relapses by approximately 30% and their safe profile make them the first-line treatments.
Family therapy or education, which addresses the whole family system of an individual, may reduce relapses and hospitalizations.
Interferons and glatiramer acetate are roughly equivalent, reducing relapses by approximately 30%.
Studies have shown that support for mentally ill patients once they leave hospitals reduces relapses, homelessness and suicide rates.
But drugs may reduce relapses and delay disability in many people with relapsing forms of MS.
You can reduce relapses by staying on your medicine for as long as your doctor recommends.
Two studies published in 1992 suggested that the drug, combined with counseling, could reduce relapses and the craving alcoholics felt.
Doctors can now choose from eight disease-modifying drugs, which reduce relapses and thereby slow the progression of the disease.
These are still the most widely used, reducing relapses by about one-third.
Because tolevamer is not an antibiotic, Genzyme hopes it will reduce relapses.