Get serious about energy independence and reduce restrictions on domestic energy production.
Still another priority recommendation calls for reducing restrictions on the use of intersecting runways when they are wet from rain.
Several other proposals would reduce restrictions on owners of oil and natural gas pipelines.
During times of expansion, he writes, nations tend to liberalize - increasing rights, reducing restrictions, expanding benefits for the needy.
That may not exclude some tinkering around the edges of the relationship, such as reducing restrictions on travel or on cultural and educational exchanges.
His government reduced quotas and restrictions on agriculture and industrial activities.
An obvious advantage is that it will reduce any costs and restrictions that could come into play in the real world.
During 1990 farmers mobilized considerable support against government plans to reduce restrictions on agricultural imports.
Reducing restrictions could stimulate traffic by making the lower fares available to many more impulse travelers who want to take pleasure trips.
I am voting for this regulation because it reduces existing restrictions and excludes the expulsion of people on account of illness or an accident.