In the latter application, it offers better durability, reduced shrinkage and increased flexibility, as well as being resistant to emulsification in damp conditions.
Instead the carbon forms graphite which results in a softer iron, reduces shrinkage, lowers strength, and decreases density.
Both urea and glucose act as "cryoprotectants" to limit the amount of ice that forms and to reduce osmotic shrinkage of cells.
Grog is used in pottery and sculpture to add a gritty, rustic texture called "tooth"; it also reduces shrinkage and aids even drying.
When companies concentrate on reducing shrinkage, the results can be impressive.
It starts with the raw clay, preferably in a mix with 25-30% sand to reduce shrinkage.
Use of alternative materials to reduce shrinkage cracking in bridge decks.
Modern UF insulation with updated catalysts and foaming technology have reduced shrinkage to minimal levels (between 2-4%).
The logs were taken from dead trees to preserve the environment and to reduce shrinkage, which occurs naturally as green timber dries.
By his own calculations, the tests have helped Super D save about $400,000 a year by reducing shrinkage.