Furthermore, increased urban density reduces urban sprawl, thus, decreasing dependence on cars.
He also calls for $1 billion to buy parkland and reduce traffic congestion and urban sprawl.
As a bonus, we could reduce suburban sprawl by putting the former farmland into a perpetual conservation trust.
Moreover, town house developments do not reduce sprawl because there is no requirement for open space preservation in exchange for increased density.
Their purpose is to reduce sprawl and traffic.
Adaptive reuse is seen as an effective way of reducing urban sprawl and environmental impact.
San Diego area environmental organizations support transit-oriented land development, reduced sprawl, and/or increased use of mass transit.
During his first term, he worked to reduce sprawl, push localities to build affordable housing, and to improve the health of Californians.
By releasing land closer to the city, this will reduce urban sprawl in Canberra.
Creating such neighborhoods is a critical element of reducing urban sprawl and protecting the climate.