Used to reduce stability where some other feature results in too much stability.
"And there is a tyranny in smaller numbers that reduces stability in certain situations."
Some Africa experts is reducing overall stability by putting a premium on its effort to capture or kill a small number of high-level suspects.
May reduce stability of certain local funds for public transit.
Second, because it lacks an eyepiece viewfinder, you have to hold the HD1 at arm's length, further reducing stability.
On many vehicles, when cornering, the rear wheels tend to steer slightly to the outside of a turn, which can reduce stability.
But losing the meniscus reduces the cushioning and stability of the joint.
Its great disadvantage was that it reduced buoyancy and stability which contributed to excessive heel during turns.
This helps to reduce reactive power and increase efficiency and stability.
She was also top-heavy which reduced her stability and sea-keeping abilities.