The Times has been seeking new agreements with seven unions in the hope of reducing staffing at the Edison plant.
Yet he insisted that efforts to reduce staffing were dangerous and sometimes counterproductive.
Union officials are critical of the proposals to disband eight companies and reduce staffing.
So American is fighting to reduce staffing and save money by, for example, requiring attendants to pick up more of their health care bills.
Sick leave is now at more than 8.5 percent, and the city has been trying to reduce staffing at the engine companies for months.
The Times is seeking concessions from several unions to reduce staffing at the plant.
In 2011 the district continued to reduce staffing due to a decline in student enrollment.
Some agencies were forced to close their group homes and others reduced staffing to dangerous levels.
In particular, has it reduced staffing as technological advances reduce the need for many workers?
The arbitrators did grant American the right to reduce staffing on some flights.