Adm. Jeremy M. Boorda, the Navy's highest-ranking officer, took his life this week at a time when the military is striving, with considerable success, to reduce suicide in the ranks.
A "suicide prevention strategy" is being developed by a "multi-agency group", while they are appealing to the Big Lottery fund for an "initiative designed to reduce suicide in the area".
There is evidence that long-term lithium therapy reduces suicide in individuals with bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder.
I also supported legislation on behalf of veterans to increase educational opportunities, expand small business opportunities, provide cost-of-living adjustments, and reduce homelessness and suicide.
Reducing suicide: An American imperative.
But Dr. Lieberman added that other newer anti-psychotics might also prove effective in reducing suicide.
Since then, our family along with many other caring people created the Jed Foundation to reduce suicide in young adults and strengthen the safety net for college students at risk.
In collaboration with communities, faith-based organizations, and public-private entities, the Council works to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans by reducing suicide and its effect on individuals and communities.
I fully support the proposal in the report that Member States should work together to implement effective strategies to reduce suicide, because this is not only a national or European issue but also a global one.
It also appears to reduce suicide in people with schizophrenia.