Have evidence of severely reduced blood flow (ischemia) to an area of heart muscle caused by one or more narrowed coronary arteries.
Various geological processes have reduced it to a circular area of chaotic terrain.
Evidence of severely reduced blood flow (ischemia) to an area of heart muscle caused by one narrowed coronary artery.
Its former large grounds have been reduced to a grassed area between the house and the busy Brunel Road.
Historical persecution reduced this wide-ranging, large carnivore to a small area of south Florida.
Popular resentment of Taraki's drastic policy changes triggered surging unrest throughout the country, reducing government control to only a limited area.
Eventually Bountiful was reduced to an area slightly less than 10.5 square miles.
Now reduced to an area of c. 3,300 hectares, it is anyway the largest plain forest in Italy.
Pressure sores develop when constant pressure reduces blood supply to an area of skin and tissue.
Within six days the German pocket had been reduced by half, to an area fifteen miles long and nine miles deep at its widest.