The Bush administration set up 42 Justice Department task forces and spent more than $150 million on attempts to reduce human trafficking.
That bill remains important to reduce both interstate trafficking and crime in general.
Earlier this month, American delegates insisted on diluting a United Nations agreement to reduce illegal trafficking in small arms.
More so than anything, each of these people show that one person can make a difference in reducing human trafficking around the world.
SAWG members believe that small arms proliferation must be countered by more responsible policies on legal sales and international co-operation to reduce illicit trafficking.
"Worldwide narcotics production reached new levels, corruption undermined enforcement efforts, and a number of governments still failed to exhibit a serious commitment to reducing drug production and trafficking."
Colombia's President, Andres Pastrana, deserves American support for his efforts to reduce drug production and trafficking and begin peace negotiations with Marxist guerrillas.
The impact - either in reducing trafficking or making Mr. Chávez more democratic - will be minimal at best.
Thirdly - and this has already been said - there is the matter of reducing trafficking in human beings.
He launched his Presidential Initiative, a program called "Pillars of Hope" aimed at reducing human trafficking in the US, in Chicago on the following day.