For their part, camera-equipped cities and the private companies that contract with them dismiss such claims, saying the cameras have reduced violations.
"We reduced violations from the thousands to the double digits" she said.
In the last few months, though, it has also retrained controllers to try to reduce violations of the three-mile rule.
A traffic barrier is used to reduce violations and speed through a toll lane.
In an earlier report in March, the group said that "very real progress" had been made in reducing violations, but that scores of abuses continued.
Houston suburb Sugar Land found that the combination of lengthening yellow lights and installing cameras reduced violations by 96 percent.
One of the most significant gains of the Government, Salvadorans say, has been a major decline in reducing human-rights violations by the army.
She said better compliance was caused by stricter enforcement and new cooperation among government officials, retailers, factories and workers' groups to reduce violations.
The purpose of title V permits is to reduce violations of air pollution laws and improve enforcement of those laws.
Only an end to war can make it possible to reduce violations of human rights.