The low point was 1941 when only 170 hostels remained open and overnight stays were reduced accordingly.
Except for Continental, the airlines have accordingly reduced coupon costs 10 percent.
Conversely, if he does not beat the market, his fee is reduced accordingly.
If there are top-35 teams on the front row, the number of guaranteed starters is reduced accordingly.
It came into force immediately, and the voting age was accordingly reduced in time for the Guernsey general election, 2008.
Guaranteed Social Security benefits would have to be reduced accordingly.
Only 1 in 10 of those who failed to take part did so without an approved excuse, and their welfare grants were accordingly reduced.
He can if you are willing to have him join in only that state, and the certification will be reduced accordingly for the entire itinerary.
The obligatory service is usually 24 months, however it can be reduced accordingly, up to 3 months.
Customers are better prepared to come to our office, and waiting times are reduced accordingly.