A broad crisis emerged as more and more buildings had to struggle to cover their bills with reduced income from maintenance fees.
In essence, the South was simultaneously forced to pay more for goods and to face reduced income from sales of raw materials.
Even if the voluintary sector could cover for the Government when fully financed it will never get near with a reduced income.
Our long term plans had been affected by reduced income over Christmas and escalating costs.
A poor season on the field in 1889 was reflected by reduced income and changes were made with several good new players being introduced.
The reduced income from the lower passenger numbers made it difficult for the companies to pay back borrowed capital, or to pay dividends to shareholders.
Living on a reduced income is very difficult.
Many can no longer qualify for new loans because of reduced income, lowered property values, or both.
Do nothing and live on a reduced income as a large landowner in Ulster.
And how is this reduced income going to pay for these leisure pursuits, which are rarely if ever, cheap?