Do you buy reduced-price senior tickets at movie theaters?
Cheap Tickets in Paris Q. Is there a way to obtain reduced-price tickets to performances in Paris?
You can also try City Market grocery stores, which often sell reduced-price tickets.
For many years, ski areas have offered free skiing to children 6 and under, but this year many are also offering a reduced-price ticket for teen-agers 13-18.
USAir has modified its senior citizen coupon program so that children aged 2 to 11 may travel on these reduced-price tickets, too.
Who is morally wrong: us for purchasing the reduced-price ticket or Disney for saying my 11-year-old is no longer a child?
And the company is offering reduced-price tickets for children ages 10 to 18 as part of the parents' subscription.
One of the fund's achievements was the establishment of the TKTS booths around New York City that provide reduced-price tickets to theater and dance attractions.
No-frills air carriers offer reduced-price tickets on flights from Wales to other parts of the UK and to Ireland.
Subject to availability, anyone under 26 or over 65 can get reduced-price tickets from 15 minutes before curtain time.