Many of the detections to date have been made with a quick reduction package that allows us to find pulsars almost in real time.
Eager not to disappoint financial markets, many negotiators are suggesting a multiyear reduction package instead.
But they must overcome scores of other disagreements if they are to complete the often promised seven-year deficit reduction package.
We still believe that a growth-oriented, credible, enforcible, multiyear deficit reduction package is economically desirable.
The 4.6% fare reduction package comprises both a fare rebate (over a 15-month period from 1 April 2009 to 30 June 2010) and an increase in transfer rebate.
Dealers said the first blow to the bond market was Congress's failure to approve a budget-deficit reduction package in the early morning hours.
What deficit reduction package would you like to see from the Super Committee?
Urged to present their own reduction package, some Democrats, such as House budget committee chairman Leon Panetta, were prepared to do so.
ACCURACY - The vote to increase taxes on Social Security benefits was part of President Bill Clinton's 1993 budget deficit reduction package, which many economists credit with helping to spark a long expansion despite its unpopularity with many voters.
Including this bipartisan legislation in the deficit reduction package is the right thing to do to promote shared sacrifice and save taxpayer money.