Likewise, genes never operate alone but in redundant scale-free networks with an incredible level of buffering capacity.
The Internet backbone is a conglomeration of multiple, redundant networks owned by numerous companies.
These networks are intertwined and crisscrossed to create a redundant network.
Up to four redundant networks and 'unlimited' redundant systems can be supported.
The key-value pairs are stored in a redundant peer-to-peer network of connected Internet hosts.
The network can support up to 5 repeaters (10 when used for redundant networks).
These redundant networks and data centers support prescription, electronic prescription and credit card transmissions.
That is a redundant and automatically-controlled network controlled centrally from Leipzig.
Q. Should we build redundant networks so disasters don't knock out communications?
The fact is, the city's redundant network of companies and firehouses is based more on century-old tradition than current needs.