"Her mother and grandmother seemed to think her very much a child still, but you refer to her as a woman."
Mrs. Dash's late husband had once referred to Eleanor as a woman under the constant pressure of revising herself.
Eleanor dismissed Bamie's criticisms by referring to her as an "aged woman."
As such, translations of early novels sometimes refer to Death as a woman.
She referred to herself as "a Satanic woman."
Throughout these early sections - indeed, for the first half of the book - Sara Sabina is referred to as an old woman.
Her lawyers have begun referring to her as "a small fragile woman."
In most South Asian nations, a concept of third gender prevails where members of the same are referred to as neither man or a woman.
The grandfather takes pity on her referring to her as a "poor woman."
He also referred to her as a "principled woman".