Sensing that Mina is bitten and nearly a vampire, they beckon the latter to join them, referring to her as their "sister".
Taking Makoto under her wing, Shirai began referring to her as her sister.
Clifton referred to her as "his sister and his equal."
Suspirra made the matter no less complicated when she referred to Lila as her sister.
She refers to herself as Oasis' "sister," and likely was created through similar (unknown) means.
Minori makes her first appearance in volume three of the novels, and refers to herself as Kouta's younger sister.
It was the first time she had ever referred to herself as Jake's sister.
Max refers to her as "his stupid sister".
Tatsuya and Mai refer to her as their older sister, although she is actually their cousin.
Although they are not related and he is older than Mitsuzaki, Toto refers to her as his older sister.