He admits in rare moments that he's very fond of Trueheart, often referring to him as "the kid" or "the boy."
The merchant was impressed by the young man's punctuality and integrity and would regularly refer to him as the boy who "deals fair."
Bart will often address Homer by his given name instead of "Dad", while Homer in turn often refers to him as "the boy".
Garion wished fervently that they would all stop referring to him as the boy.
This story takes place in the childhood of McCaslin Edmonds, who is simply referred to as "the boy" and is understood to be the object of all masculine pronouns.
Tobias referred to himself as "the boy who writes the songs you sing."
In the lyrics, the singer (who refers to himself as "the poor boy") tells of his journey from Norfolk, Virginia to the "Promised Land", California, mentioning various cities along the way.
Clubland recorded a ska tune entitled "Jesse James", in which Jesse is referred to as "the rudest rude boy..."
He has, on more than one occasion, vainly referred to himself as the most handsome boy in Beanotown.