Since her husband became the president, American press refers to her as the first lady of China.
Because of her powerful voice and petite stature of only five-foot-two, she is sometimes referred to as "the little lady with the big voice."
Kippie's testimony was very emotional; in it she referred to Edie as "Mommy" and her birth mother as "the other lady."
Nørby is a well-established actress in Denmark, where she has been referred to as "the first lady of Danish theatre".
It was Breuil who first referred to the painting as "the white lady".
For example, Lynn Fontanne and Helen Hayes were both referred to as the 'leading lady of the theatre' in their time.
At the end of the month, the Daily News referred to her for the first time as "the pink lady".
From her appearance on these Yanni videos, she has often been referred to as "the lady in red".
Now, Mr. Uhl, who referred to his wife, Paula, as "the first lady of water," said he would celebrate and then get down to business.
I don't think Mrs Ackroyd would enjoy being referred to as the old lady.