Each chapter deals with a particular topic; the schedules contain ancillary information referred to in the main text.
Which species of locust are actually being referred to in the text is therefore nearly impossible to ascertain.
For example, a given pronoun may refer to an entity which is present in the context of situation rather than in the surrounding text.
The two aircraft referred to in the text are both the Tupolev Tu204 model.
She is only referred to in the text.
Figure 5 shows the location of the most important orefields and individual deposits referred to in the text.
Steerpike's red eyes and pallor, frequently referred to in the text, suggest that he is an albino.
It is called a joint statement and it is also referred to in the text as an understanding of both sides which will be implemented.
It shows the position of the non-directional beacons referred to in the text.
It is divided into two volumes and the content of a third volume is occasionally referred to in the text but this was never published.