The second number refers to a specific variation.
Often confused with tremolo, which refers either to a similar variation in the volume of a note, or to rapid repetition of a single note.
The name of the company refers to a local variation of the six degrees of separation concept.
"The bishop's gambit" may also refer to a variation of the chess opening: the King's Gambit.
The first usage refers to a variation of a language that is characteristic of a particular group who speak the language.
Most commonly, it refers to a variation of the Yurchenko loop with a full twisting handspring on the balance beam.
Hypercomics refers to a variation of webcomics, coming from the merging of the term "hypertext" with "comics."
In Norway, lapskaus most often refers to a variation of beef stew.
The rarity of a model can refer either to the model in general, or to a variation thereof.
Brentano is also known to have referred to the policy, or a variation of it as the Brentano Doctrine.