When Mark Twain published his King Leopold's Soliloquy five years he mentioned Sheppard by name and referred to his account of the massacre.
Collections of articles referring to Searle's account are found in: Burkhardt 1990 and Lepore / van Gulick 1991.
Boycott disputes the suggestion that the run-out was deliberate in his autobiography, referring to Botham's account as "a story that gets bigger and more fanciful with every telling".
Turning to the Banking Department, public deposits refer to the government's account.
The 4th century writings of Eusebius of Caesarea refer to Josephus' account of James, John and Jesus.
When the owner of a business refers to their bank account, they are referring to the business's account, not to their personal account.
In banking in the United States, "personal account" refers to one's account at the bank that is used for non-business purposes.
I refer readers unfamiliar with the brilliant bug to his account of an interview with a mummified pharaoh at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
He had already seen the offending article, but he referred only to its account of Helen's success in articulation.
In referring to John's account of the resurrection of Lazarus, the name Lazarus is often used to connote apparent restoration to life.