She wondered, with a start, if he was referring to her visit to Walter Hoggin.
She said the King had repeatedly referred to his weeklong visit over the Easter holidays as a "pilgrimage, not a political but a moral one."
This must refer to his visit of 1533-4, and the entire period from 1530 to 1537 is in fact treated cursorily.
"Three years ago, I pledged that if you chose peace, America would walk with you," the President said, referring to his visit here in late 1995.
People from said areas often speak of going to "The Cities" when referring to one's visit to the Minneapolis-St.
I suppose it could now refer to the Prince's visit to Prussia and his return home.
"You're referring to Jack's visit to the Iranian mission," the president said.
He did not apologize for his lateness; nor did he refer to my own visit to the meadow-bottom.
Whitman referred to his visit with Heatly in his final suicide note.
Secondly, Mr Spencer refers to my visit to Turkey.