The term Detuning can also refer to the reduction or decrease of performance in a particular area of tuning.
Resultant force refers to the reduction of a system of forces acting on a body to a single force and an associated torque.
The specific medical terms mentoplasty and genioplasty are used to refer to the reduction and addition of material to a patient's chin.
Ampacity derating refers to the reduction of the ability of a cable to conduct electricity.
A. I take it your reference to shrinking space refers to the coming reduction in the size of the paper.
In penology, "remission" refers to the reduction of a prison sentence.
Marshall is referring to the reduction of horizontal rather than vertical inequalities.
Decompression (altitude) refers to the reduction in ambient pressure due to ascent above sea level.
It is also used to refer to the reduction of any swelling.
This term refers to the reduction of costs due to the increase in production facilities.