The referee then issues the 'pause' command to inspect the scrum, and lastly 'engage' and the two front rows come together.
The referee may also issue to take away points or games due to improper etiquette regarding conduct or rules.
Instead of ejecting a player after his first "instigation," a referee will issue a game misconduct only after the second "instigation" in the same game.
After a warning, the referee can then issue a delay of game penalty to the home team.
The rule is that after the third caution the referee must issue a warning which brings about an automatic 2-point deduction.
In that match, the referee issued a record-setting number of reprimands for blatant fouls and dirty play.
"The referee did not issue an official warning, but I took the point from him anyway."
The referee, Brian Hall, issued four cautions (yellow cards), none for blatant fouls, and Indiana (21-3-0) had three of them.
The sooner referees issue a short post-match statement clarifying any talking points the better.
The referee had earlier issued four warnings and with players involved in their private feuds there was little constructive rugby.