The referee took Hoppie's arm and raised it as high as he was able.
When the decision was announced, the referee raised Mayweather's right hand.
When the referee raised Ward's arm in victory, the lively crowd cheered his name.
The referee raised his hand to ready us for the next throw.
When the journal's referees raised criticisms, the authors said they were too busy to respond and withdrew the paper.
As the referee raised Arrhichion's hand, it was discovered that he had died from the chokehold.
After the referee raised Slay's hand, student and teacher clenched tightly for more than a minute.
The referee raises his arms in supplication: the play stands as called.
Although the referee raised his hand in the manner of a traffic cop saying "Stop!"
When the referee raised his arm and blew his whistle for the second half to begin, a sense of disappointment fell over the stadium.