This reference must of course apply to a considerably older settlement than the present town, presumably what is now Altenbrilon.
Not personally; your reference to scars presumably applies to some confrontation which has been relegated to the status of the unrealized possibility.
No one seems to mind that the references to sales and profit do not really apply to conference planning, the occupation of most of the audience members.
Such references to ancient Palestinian law do not apply to the Palestinian legal situation since at least 1948.
In the "prospectus book" among the series of famous note-books, all the references and data apply to gas.
Section 2 indicates that all references to the Queen (then Victoria) equally apply to all her heirs and successors.
Senator Dodd's "little miracle" reference might well apply to the portrait itself.
In literature, reference to native uses of soaproot apply principally to C. pomeridianum var.
It is commonly assumed by readers that these two references apply to the same group, though there are of course exceptions.
And those references just apply to her 2007 opening VMA performance.