The art of tasting a cigar, like the art of living, should be appreciated in a refined manner with respect for the cigar.
The British do things in such good taste and such a refined manner.
In those days how often did I hear of his attractions, his wide spread conquests, his wit, his refined manners.
They carry the expression of the traditional and early styles of painting with bold innovations in a delicate and refined manner.
Pucky nodded in the most refined human manner.
A man of refined manners, he gained a reputation of always placing the needs of Venice above his own self-interest.
Then from time to time the young man appeared at the Marsh, curiously attractive, well-dressed, reserved, having by nature a subtle, refined manner.
She approached her last album, 1999's Honesty, in the refined manner that she furthers on Unleashed.
For all his disreputable pursuits, he had elegant, refined manners and a searing honesty.
But Carla doesn't like to play tennis, isn't interested in art and is probably incapable of cultivating her mother's refined manners.