Lukoil's increasing emphasis on refinery operations should increase the profitability of every barrel of oil the company produces.
And while the exceptionally cold weather affected deliveries, it also curtailed some refinery operations, especially in the South, putting additional pressure on the supply system.
Environmental issues in Iran include, especially in urban areas, vehicle emissions, refinery operations, and industrial effluents which contribute to poor air quality.
Construction is expected to begin in 2011, and refinery operations are targeted for 2014.
As of October 2010, refinery operations permanently ceased.
By 1920 refinery operations had appeared in Pasadena and continued to expand thereafter.
Saudi Arabia provides most of the crude for refinery operation via pipeline.
Basically, what you have is an unusual shutdown of normal refinery operations in one single market.
He has held various positions over the years, including chief industrial engineer, manager of refinery operations and vice president of operations.
The refinery operations need around 25MW of electricity.