Last year's issuance, reflecting a slowdown in home price appreciation, was $1.93 trillion, a slight decline from 2005.
The company said at the time that the cuts reflected a slowdown in book sales and were unrelated to the public offering.
For the first half of the year, the Purchasing Managers' index reflected a slowdown.
The semiconductor industry's leading indicator fell in August, reflecting a seasonal slowdown, a trade group said today.
Salomon, for example, lowered its earnings estimates on a number of retail companies to reflect "a likely slowdown in consumer spending."
The result met analysts' forecasts but reflected a slowdown in demand for business software.
This leveling off reflects a slowdown in export growth and some continued import penetration.
The cuts reflect a worldwide slowdown in demand for semiconductor chips.
Others suggested Canada's weak showing might reflect a slowdown in the United States economy.
That would reflect a substantial slowdown, since the company expects its total revenue this year to be up 22 percent from 2001.