'Trash the Whole Thing' Reflecting Republican annoyance with both the process and the bill before the approval of the MacKay amendment, Representative Robert H. Michel of Illinois, the House Republican leader, said, "We're just going to trash the whole thing."
Diplomats say the American and allied initiative for an investigation reflects growing annoyance with the Government of President Saddam Hussein.
For instance, Becker et al. describe how primary and secondary emotions can be mapped via the PAD space to features in the faces of animated characters to reflect happiness, boredom, frustration or annoyance.
The mouse-beaver's sleepy eyes reflected annoyance.
The dispute, however, also reflects growing Egyptian annoyance at what is seen as P.L.O. efforts to obstruct the newest effort by the United States to broker negotiations involving Egypt, Israel and some Palestinians, Western diplomats said.
Diplomats speculated that China's action may have reflected annoyance at recent American moves that it considers unfriendly.
K'lon's expression changed, reflecting annoyance and remembered offense.
Mr. Hummadi's comments reflected Iraqi annoyance with Mr. Annan's insistence that Baghdad must reverse its decision, made on Aug. 5, to stop on-site inspections, a clear violation of the Secretary General's accord.
The increased disaffection with the Government, reflecting public annoyance with corruption, nepotism and inflation, as well as anger at the use of force to crush the democracy movement, now coincides with the Communist Party's official gala of self-congratulation.
His face reflected deep annoyance over the mousebeaver's arbitrary and wholly unauthorized action.