The estimates do not reflect commissions.
As with the other two China funds, those who bought the Greater China Fund at the issuing price of $15 a share merely had the privilege of paying a premium reflecting commissions and fees.
Pan Am said fuel expenses for the quarter rose 34 percent, to $139.7 million, and advertising and commission expense rose 24 percent, to $76.2 million, reflecting higher commissions.
They do not reflect commissions.
For Phillips de Pury & Company, final prices include commission of 25% of the first $50,000, 20% of the next $50,000 to $1 million, and 12% of the rest, with estimates not reflecting commissions.
Estimates at both auction houses do not reflect commissions.
Second, much of this recent increase reflected commissions and performance-related pay in financial services jobs - one-time increases rather than permanent additions to compensation.
Estimates to not reflect commissions.
Estimates do not reflect commissions.
Schwab, based in San Francisco, said the increase reflected higher commissions from retail investors.