But I'm sure this is something conservatives reflect fondly upon.
At the prom, the two fondly reflect on the memories of their time together when they were dating.
"You'll be fairly close to them," Ms. Corcoran said - close enough to gaze into their eyes and reflect fondly on the old Bronx.
He later reflected on his education fondly, crediting the Socratic approach of Santa Clara that he said has helped him become an independent thinker who questions orthodoxy.
Judy McGrath, the president of the MTV Networks Group, is reflecting fondly on an ill-fated show about sock puppets that she pushed a few years ago.
Years later, she would reflect fondly about the time that she spent with Lower, whom she affectionately called "Aunt Ana".
Today I reflect fondly on the bygone Saturday night ritual of turning on her show.
We grieve for Barbara and for Stephen and we will always fondly reflect smilingly on the hundreds of times we spent laughing together over those 26 years.
He later reflected fondly on his days with the paper.
"It was hot, hot, hot," Mrs. Schuldenfrei said last week, reflecting fondly on the Southern California boom days.