The sun hung over the valley, reflecting bright glints from the small tracked vehicle standing there.
The Unknown Potency was still lifeless, but it reflected faint intriguing glints from the fire.
But I was sitting on the sands of Ke Iki at midnight with a fairy-tale princess, a Botticelli Venus whose long blonde tresses reflected golden glints from the fire.
I assured her it was the most beautiful hut I had seen in almost five years, which was apparently the right thing to have said as she grinned behind the palm placed in front of her lips, her eyes reflecting sparkling glints of light.
The glass tumbled in the air, reflecting glints of sunlight, end over end.
Lores demanded, his eyes reflecting blue glints from the mage - light over Vanyel's head.
Their headlights picked out small panes of glass stuck seemingly at random in nearby hovels, reflecting quick glints of yellow back into the van.
Tooth enamel usually reflects glints of sunlight.
The glass cases reflected vague glints from outside; that was all.